Ocho creencias que nos perjudican

1. La vida debe ser justa

Hemos oído innumerables veces (y seguramente lo hemos repetido nosotros mismos) que la vida no es justa. El fundador de Microsoft, Bill Gates nos ha dicho “Life is not fair – get used to it!  A pesar de que conceptualmente afirmamos y creemos esto, de alguna manera no lo aterrizamos en nuestras vidas. Muchos subconscientemente esperan que la vida sea justa y creen que cualquier injusticia que experimenten eventualmente deberá ser compensada, sin que medie un esfuerzo por hacer algo al respecto. Cuando algo “injusto” te suceda, no dependas de fuerzas externas para recuperarte. 

2. Las oportunidades llegaran aunque no las busque.

Una de las cosas más importantes que una persona puede hacer es tomar riesgos (calculados) y buscar oportunidades. El hecho de merecer un aumento,una promoción, un coche de empresa o un bono por resultados no significa que estas cosas van a ocurrir, tienes que provocar que ocurran. Tenemos que trabajar duro e inteligentemente buscar el premio. Si nos limitamos a las cosas que otras personas nos dan, siempre estaremos a la merced de otros.

3. Todo el mundo me debe querer

La realidad es que cada uno es dueño de sus gustos y disgustos y existen muchas personas decentes,  buenas y respetables que no son queridas por todo el mundo. Cuando tenemos la expectativa de ser queridos por todo el mundo se pueden lastimar nuestros sentimientos innecesariamente.  Cuando asumimos que le caeremos bien a todo el mundo tomamos atajos y solicitamos y demandamos simpatía antes de haber hecho lo necesario para entender lo que las otras personas piensan y sienten. En lugar de asumir que le caeremos bien a todo el mundo, enfoquémonos en ganar su confianza y respeto.

4. La gente debe estar de acuerdo conmigo

Pensamos que sabemos de lo que hablamos y por ende otras personas deben estar de acuerdo con nosotros. Pensar que las personas reconocerán nuestra sapiencia y lo bien fundamentado de nuestros argumentos es una receta para la frustración. Algo que es obvio para nosotros no lo es necesariamente para una persona con experiencias e intereses diferentes a los nuestros. Es el momento de ser más humildes y menos egocéntricos y darnos cuenta que no somos el ombligo del universo; que no tenemos la verdad “agarrada por la patas”. Enfoquémonos mejor en buscar soluciones que le den a cada uno lo que necesita. 

5. La gente sabe lo que quiero decir

Obviamente las personas no pueden leer tu mente y lo que estamos tratando de comunicar generalmente no es lo que otros captan. El mero hecho de hablar no te garantiza comprensión, hay que hablar claramente. Cuando pedimos a alguien hacer algo sin proveerles con el contexto o cuando explicamos a alguien una idea compleja es fácil omitir información porque pensamos que es irrelevante y queremos ahorrarnos saliva. Las comunicaciones no serán claras si no nos tomamos el tiempo de entender la perspectiva de la otra persona.

6. Voy a fracasar

Cuando una persona tiene poca confianza en sus posibilidades de exito, ¿qué motivos tiene para poner un esfuerzo intenso y constante? Empieza con unas convicciones que subrayan lo que no puede hacer, y esas convicciones refuerzan actitudes de pasividad, de titubeo, de falta de firmeza. Movilizará una parte muy pequeña del potencial de sus recursos personales. ¿Qué resultados se derivarán de todo esto? Con toda seguridad serán unos resultados mediocres, en el mejor de los casos. Y esos resultados mediocres muy posiblemente reforzarán su convencimiento negativo inicial, la mala valoración que esa persona hace de sí misma, que estuvo en el origen del problema.

 7. Las cosas (personas) me harán feliz.

Indiscutiblemente el dinero y las cosas que el mismo consiguen hacen la vida mas agradable, pero la felicidad solo depende de nosotros. Muchos esperamos que un evento futuro (unas vacaciones, una promoción, esa persona especial en mi vida) nos harán felices en lugar de buscar las causas de la infelicidad.  Un famosísimo psicoterapeuta Víctor Frankl https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Frankl  postula que la felicidad no se puede buscar pues es el resultado de avocarse a una causa mayor que uno mismo.

8. Pensar que podemos cambiar las personas

La única persona que podemos cambiar es a nosotros mismos y creo que estamos conscientes de lo difícil que es eso. Abandonemos esta expectativa falsa y evitemos personas problemáticas que se convierten en un lastre. Si te rodeas de personas pesimistas y perezosas, lo más probable es que termines adoptando muchos de los hábitos de esas personas y por consiguiente vas a programarte mentalmente para afrontar la vida con una actitud negativa y pesimista.

Esto tambien funciona a la inversa, es decir, si te rodeas de personas positivas, enérgicas y que andan en busca del éxito, es muy probable que te contagies de ese espíritu emprendedor y quieras continuar adelante con todas tus iniciativas y proyectos.

Ignacio Garrote


Planificación estratégica personal

“La causa de muchas de las insatisfacciones en nuestra vida, es que no sabemos que queremos, cuáles son nuestras prioridades y como vivirlas.
En nuestra vida hay momentos en los que conviene hacer un alto, para reflexionar y reorientar nuestros objetivos, esclarecer nuestros sueños y desarrollar la visión de nuestro futuro. 

Tu capacidad de pensar, planificar, actuar y decidir determina el curso de tu vida. 

Cuanto más claro tengas quién eres, qué quieres y que tienes que hacer para conseguirlo, más rápido avanzarás. Conseguirás mucho más y tu vida será mejor en cada área. 

Hasta estas preguntas y las reflexiones con profundidad, no valen las respuestas automáticas, deja que tu mente navegue en su interior.”

Lee el artículo completo aquí…

Profesionales con maestría, que hablen inglés y certificados como PMP los mejores pagados en TI en México


“La mediana (el ingreso que está en el punto medio) del salario mensual de un profesional del software es: de 35 mil pesos si tiene maestría, de 30 mil si cuenta con doctorado, de 25 mil a los que tienen licenciatura y de 23 mil a quienes tienen nivel técnico. El inglés tiene una correlación alta con el salario y el desarrollo profesional. Gente con un nivel avanzado en esta lengua tiene como mediana un salario de 35 mil pesos mensuales, de 26 mil los intermedios y de 20 mil los principiantes. Por certificaciones, los mejores pagados son los certificados en administración de proyectos (PMP), con 45 mil de mediana. En lenguajes de programación, los más altos salarios se otorgan a quienes dominan Objective, con 33 mil pesos de mediana; mientras que los especialistas en Java y Visual Basic reciben 25 mil pesos. Por plataformas, quienes están especializados en Mainframe perciben de mediana el sueldo más alto al mes, 35 mil pesos; los de iOs 33 mil y los de Android 25 mil.”

Consulta aquí el artículo completo.

Book: Life of Pi

life of pi book

I bought this book after watching the movie. That happened  in December 2012. I remember it clearly. I enjoyed the story and specials effects from the movie. The movie itself is directed masterfully. But something did not click. In the movie the writer who looks for the grown Piscine Molitor Patel is told that if we wants to hear a story that can make him believe in God he should look for  Mr Patel. So, I remember staying some minutes seating in the theater after the movie was finished, and I was not sure that what I saw made me believe in God. So I bought the book hoping that it would help me to clarify this point.

It took me two years since I bought it until I finished the reading of its last page. And still, I do not feel that I can connect the dots and say that the book made me believe in God. It is not that I do not believe in God. It is just that I do not feel that the book has produced that effect on me.

Despite of this, I did find so many parts of the story, quotes and thoughts that resonated with me. For some reason, I had the idea that the book was based on a true story, specially in the part where the boat ends in the coast of Mexico, the country where I was born and raised. In the end,  I did enjoy the story. And hopefully, someday, when I come back to its pages, my new gained experience will help me to grasp a bigger portion of wisdom from it.

Some quotes and phrases from the book that I found very interesting and to which, at some point, I relate.

“Just beyond the ticket booth Father had had painted on a wall in bright red letters the question: DO YOU KNOW WHICH IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL IN THE ZOO? An arrow pointed to a small curtain. There were so many eager, curious hands that pulled at the curtain that we had to replace it regularly. Behind, it was a mirror.”

“Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can.”

“It was my luck to have a few good teachers in my youth, men and women who came into my dark head and lit a match.”

“The world isn’t just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no? And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no?

Doesn’t that make life a story?”

“It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.”

“I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unnerving ease. It begins in your mind, always … so you must fight hard to express it. You must fight hard to shine the light of words upon it. Because if you don’t, if your fear becomes a wordless darkness that you avoid, perhaps even manage to forget, you open yourself to further attacks of fear because you never truly fought the opponent who defeated you.”

Pu’u Ohulehule Hiking Trail

I did this trail in the Christmas holidays of 2014. My buddy JC hit me up since he was planing to do this hike but did not want to do it alone, so I joined him. I am glad I joined him because this is one of the most challenging and rewarding hikes I have ever done in Oahu. The trail is challenging because it is steep at the end and almost 80% of it the shrubs are overgrown. So bring pants and also mosquito repellent. You will have to cross three streams so be ready to soak your shoes in the water. Initially, I was worried for the water in my shoes. But I found myself more focused on the trail and the shrubs, and immediately forgot about my wet shoes. This trail will require a lot of endurance and depending on your pace it will take around 8 hours to complete the hike.

Curious fact: a couple of days after I completed the hike, I learned that two Danish females that got lost for a week in this trail in 1999. 

Trailhead is located at the end of the Kahana Valley Road, in the northeast side of the island of Oahu, in Hawaii.

To get there you will have to take 83 Kamehameha Highway. And if you are coming from the south, take the second exit to the left after passing the Crouching Lion.

Take the Kahana Valley Road from 83. Drive through the neighborhood for a about 5 minutes until you see a sign asking hikers to park there. This is the designated visitor center parking lot. Hikers should park here and continue walking for about two miles until you see the hunter checking area. Sign in and take the left walking down and shortly you will see the first stream.

This is the hunter checking area after walking about two miles trough the neighboorhood:

Photo Dec 27, 9 37 54 AM


First stream:


Photo Dec 27, 9 42 59 AM


A swing in the first stream

Photo Dec 27, 9 45 57 AM


Second stream:

Photo Dec 27, 9 56 09 AM


Third stream:


Photo Dec 27, 10 29 17 AM


We called this fruit “Capulines” in my hometown in Mexico. I had several of these in the trail. So yummy.


Photo Dec 27, 10 08 21 AM


I was wondering: is that skirt for the tree to protect itself from the animals or to keep the balance?


Photo Dec 27, 10 14 48 AM


JC making his way into the shrubs:


Photo Dec 27, 11 01 30 AM


Luckily there are some ropes to help to go up to the mountain:


Photo Dec 27, 12 47 27 PM


More ropes:

Photo Dec 27, 11 12 55 AM



The view on the way up of Ohulehule:Photo Dec 27, 3 35 25 PM

This is the view at the top of Ohulehule (click to see the picture in full resolution):

Photo Dec 27, 1 46 11 PM


And here I am, exhausted but all smiles, as usual:

Photo Dec 27, 1 19 41 PM


Enjoy the trail. Mahalo!




Pali Notches Hiking Trail

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

The trail head is located in the Pali Highway, just to the right of the Pali lookout standing in the Pali lookout facing Kailua. You will see the trail going up to the ridge. Depend on your physical condition this hike might take you from two or three hours. You should bring some shoes with good grasp so you won’t slip. And do not forget your camera.


You will find some branches and roots going up. The way up is really steep.2015/01/img_2261-0.jpg

Group selfie on the first notch:2015/01/img_2322-0.jpg

Going down the second notch moving forward.2015/01/img_2321-0.jpg


The view after the second notch.

Taking a break and enjoying the view2015/01/img_2320.jpg


And then time to go back home, going back the same trail. Lots of fun with tons of pictures.


La persona más importante de mi vida


Hace unos días me di a la tarea de depurar mis documentos en el disco duro y me encontré con estas líneas que seguramente escribí en algún momento inspirador y de cierta iluminación, eso quiero pensar. Seguramente fue después de tomar algún curso de desarrollo personal con mis amigos de Inlakesh. Pues bueno, es un escrito corto, pero aquí se los comparto. ¿Qué opinan?

Hoy he aprendido
Que mi vida ha sido una serie de escenas
que desde mi perspectiva a mi me ha tocado protagonizar.

Y sobre todas las cosas, descubro que soy
la persona más importante para mí,
que soy quien ha estado conmigo
y  que siempre estará aquí para acompañarme.

Por eso, a partir de hoy, he decidido consentirme,
y regalarme lo mejor de la vida.

Maui, Hawaii

Es muy reconfortante para mi salir a descubrir nuevos lugares, especialmente inmerso en la naturaleza. Es una terapia que  me permite refrescar mi mente con imágenes vivas y llenas de color. Es un ejercicio que me ayuda a reflexionar, estar con contacto conmigo mismo y enfocarme. La fotografía es un herramienta muy útil para mi que me ayuda a expresar mi visión del mundo.

He aquí algunas fotos de mi viaje por Maui, Hawaii, en esta semana de acción de gracias 2014, que comparto con ustedes. Mahalo!


Photo Nov 27, 6 25 36 PM

Waimoku Falls

Photo Nov 27, 6 08 17 PM

Pipiwai Trail

Photo Nov 27, 2 57 03 PM

Ahihi Kinau Natural Area Reservation

Photo Nov 24, 7 36 51 PM

From Piilani Highway

Photo Nov 25, 10 16 49 AM

On top of Haleakala Volcano


Photo Nov 25, 10 24 46 AM

On top of Haleakala Volcano

Photo Nov 25, 10 28 59 AM

On top of Haleakala Volcano


Photo Nov 27, 8 26 27 PM

From Piilani Highway

Photo Nov 27, 8 26 01 PM

From Piilani Highway

Photo Nov 24, 7 54 43 PM

From Piilani Highway

 Photo Nov 24, 7 52 32 PM

From Piilani Highway

Photo Nov 24, 2 26 12 PM

Hookipa Beach

Book: The Richest Man in Babylon


I hate taking long-haul flights. If I had to list the disadvantages I could list: no space to stretch, no space to walk around, bother you neighbors to go to the restroom, and if you are in a bad luck, you will be seating next to a not so nice person. But I have found a good benefit about it. It seems that not having access to the internet forces me to focus in resuming the reading of that almost forgotten list of books.

In my last flight I started, and almost finished, The Richest Man in Babylon. I had read good reviews about this book in other places and had this book sitting there for a long time.

I should say that I was greatly impressed because it was easy to read. Being a book about finances I was expecting it to be a little tedious and with technical concepts. But the way the text is structured makes it very easy even for lazy readers like me.

The book cover with captivating, and sometimes dramatic, stories (parables) while teaching the principles for building your wealth. I finished this books in a couple days. So if you are an avid reader, you can finish it in one sitting in a rainy/sunny or whatever is you favorite weather day.

The 7 basics principles this book covers are:

1) Start thy purse to fattening – save/invest
2) Control thy expenditures – watch out for self serving brokers
3) Make thy gold multiply – use powerful investments
4) Guard thy treasures from loss – watch out for brokers with their hot tips.
5) Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment – rental properties, your own home—but stay within your means.
6) Insure a future income – do work that you love to do. Become excellent at it.
7) Increase thy ability to earn – keep learning and reading.

I strongly recommend this book for whoever is interested in learning how to join that group of people who enjoy the benefits of the wealthy people club and stop worrying about only paying debts.

Lessons learned in Software Testing


In the recently past two projects I have been involved with software testing. Lots of things learned in these experiences. Here are some lessons learned that I want to share with you all.

  • Define the testing levels you are going to use for the project: unit testing, integration testing, system testing or user acceptance testing (UAT). Depending on the kind of project you might not need all of them.
  • Have experienced resources in testing efforts define a reasonable schedule for each testing level.
  • Define the staff that is going to be participating in each testing level. Their responsibilities should be very clear.
  • Define you exit criteria for each testing phase, especially for UAT. Get the client involved in the definition of the exit criteria for UAT.
  • Prepare scenarios and test scripts for the testers. The scripts should be clear on the goal of each step and expected results.
  • Have the users define the most common scenarios to test. Focus your effort in define test scenarios and scripts to address these common business scenarios.
  • Specially for User Acceptance Testing make sure that the test scripts are very clear, with print-out materials, using figures if possible to make every step understandable for the testers since they are might not be familiar with the new software product.
  • Conduct a quick demo of the main features of the software product so the UAT testers get familiar with it.
  • Make sure all equipment to be used during testing is ready: environment, credentials, computers, access to database, etc.
  • Define and communicate a process and tool for tracking and reporting testing results.
  • Define and communicate a process and tool to track defects detected during testing.
  • Reinforce use of testing and defects process defined while executing testing.
  • Conduct quick follow up meetings everyday, in the morning or at the end of the day to review defects and discuss potential solutions.