Book: The Richest Man in Babylon


I hate taking long-haul flights. If I had to list the disadvantages I could list: no space to stretch, no space to walk around, bother you neighbors to go to the restroom, and if you are in a bad luck, you will be seating next to a not so nice person. But I have found a good benefit about it. It seems that not having access to the internet forces me to focus in resuming the reading of that almost forgotten list of books.

In my last flight I started, and almost finished, The Richest Man in Babylon. I had read good reviews about this book in other places and had this book sitting there for a long time.

I should say that I was greatly impressed because it was easy to read. Being a book about finances I was expecting it to be a little tedious and with technical concepts. But the way the text is structured makes it very easy even for lazy readers like me.

The book cover with captivating, and sometimes dramatic, stories (parables) while teaching the principles for building your wealth. I finished this books in a couple days. So if you are an avid reader, you can finish it in one sitting in a rainy/sunny or whatever is you favorite weather day.

The 7 basics principles this book covers are:

1) Start thy purse to fattening – save/invest
2) Control thy expenditures – watch out for self serving brokers
3) Make thy gold multiply – use powerful investments
4) Guard thy treasures from loss – watch out for brokers with their hot tips.
5) Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment – rental properties, your own home—but stay within your means.
6) Insure a future income – do work that you love to do. Become excellent at it.
7) Increase thy ability to earn – keep learning and reading.

I strongly recommend this book for whoever is interested in learning how to join that group of people who enjoy the benefits of the wealthy people club and stop worrying about only paying debts.

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